CFAR "A" Litter

StormnAngels Bhyundar x Kodiak of Kesang Camp
January 19, 2005
CFAR Tibetan Mastiffs is proud to announce the birth of their "A" litter.
Sire Kodiak of Kesang Camp (call name: Kodiak) and dam StormnAngels
Bhyundar (call name: Pashi) had 7 black and tan puppies that were
born on January 19, 2005. Pashi did a wonderful job as a first-time
mother. Unfortunately, we lost the smallest pup on the third day
as she just could not keep up but the remaining 4 males and 2 females
in the litter are proving to be strong, healthy and are growing
fast. We are constantly amazed at the daily changes in each and
every one of them. We welcome you to visit our website and watch
the progress as our puppies grow! This litter is very special to
us and we are deeply grateful for such healthy pups!
We would like to thank Lyse Stormont of StormnAngels Tibetan Mastiffs
who is the owner of Pashi's dam, Xin Angeni Ni A Soechavati (call
name: Angeni) and also thanks to Susan Ochsenbein of Himalaya Tibetan
Mastiffs who is the owner of Pashi's sire, Ch. Himalaya's Lokeshvara
(call name: Norbu). They both showed what caring and dedicated
TM breeders they are with their encouragement and support. I commend
them for being there and helping us with CFAR's first successful
Thank you so much.
Arborstone CFAR Loyal Guard
Our first male puppy we called "Dobbie". Dobbie was an energetic
puppy who was always first at the milk bar. We were happy with
his development and he was placed with a family that has the Alpha
Diogi kennel in Ohio. They gave him the name of Porthos and he
has grown to a handsome male that has sired one litter.
CFAR's Orion
Our second male we gave the temporary name of "Worf". (My husband
is a Trekkie and named him.) From the start he was a very handsome
boy with a very easy-going temperament. He made the long journey
to New York where his new family gave him the name of Orion. Orion
is well loved and they liked him so much they got him a female
TM playmate named Cassie. Orion also was given the special treasure
of a new little human baby boy to call his own. We are pleased
to hear how happy his owners are and thank them for their updates
on his progress.
CFAR's Kato
Third male was a very handsome and mischievous boy we called Kato.
Kato was the first to meet any new visitors. An athletic boy, he
was jumping on top of things at an early age and loved to tease
his siblings. He went to a home in southern Washington where he
was immediately introduced to Tibetan Terriers as playmates. He
kept the name Kato.
Denali's Kodamae of CFAR
Our first female puppy, Sammi, went to the Denali Legend kennel
in Alaska. She was greeted there by her Aunt Maggie, a sister to
Sammi's father Kodiak. Sammi was lucky to have a wonderful friend
in her owner's son, Nick, whom she adores. He lets her get away
with everything! Sammi has done well in showing at local dog shows.
We look forward to more news of this wonderful girl and I am happy
that her owner Shanny and I have developed a great friendship.
CFAR's Nahm Khyi
And last, our little "Kola Bear" who was given the name of Nham
Khyi by her new owners in Colorado. Nham Khyi was a little "instigator" and
could make the whole litter go into a crazy game of ruff and tumble.
She was the lead puppy of the group and once she caused mayhem,
she would sit back and watch the fun. At her home in Colorado,
Nham Khyi was soon given a wonderful gift of a human baby boy to
love and protect. Nahm Khyi is not so little anymore but she is
very attentive to her active family and shows a true TM love of
life. She is lucky to get some wonderful winter weather.
Sadly, little Dozer escaped out of our fenced yard and was hit
by a truck as he chased after a raccoon. Words cannot describe
the sadness that we felt.
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